Friday, December 7, 2012

Are you looking for a name for your business?

How important is a name to a business? The answer is is very important for your business to have a good and meaningful name. The right name can help your business succeed, by having everyone in town talk about it. However, the wrong name can have the opposite effect and make your business fail. Your name should express what your business is about, the value of your products and services and your expertise in the industry.

Some people think that a business name should be abstract or a made-up word. Others think that a more conservative and direct name is more informative and helps customers know exactly what your business is about; and others also think people will easily forget a common non unique name.

Creating the perfect business name can be an overwhelming process but it is critical for the business. The name should convey what you want it to communicate to your clients. The name should emphasize the intention and purpose of your business. It should also make people curious of what you have to offer and attract them into your business.

Here is a tip. Be careful if the name of your business has South Carolina or any other city/state name on it. This can be meaningful for the local people, but what meaning will it have to people that want to do business with you in Colorado or New York? Keep this in mind.

Another tip, when choosing a name for your business pick one that will be meaningful and appealing to the type of clients you are targeting and not only to you. Try to avoid names that are too long or confusing.

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