Entrepreneur's Source is sponsoring a Franchise Expo at the Hilton Hotel at 5624 Westpark Drive, Charlotte, NC on October 23rd & 24th.
From Entrepreneur's Source:
"Remember You are Only Getting Your Feet Wet.
"Remember You are Only Getting Your Feet Wet.
You may be thinking, I am not ready to go into business right now! You are right. For most people, that would be premature. A little uncertainty is normal. Change usually isn't comfortable, even when it’s positive change. It is natural to see obstacles and avoid risk.
We are Here to Help Minimize the Risk
Let us put it another way: What is the cost of doing nothing about your dream? We have worked with thousands of people just like you, individuals considering business ownership. We have helped them discover businesses that led them to achieving their goals and objectives. As coaches, we guide you through a process of education about opportunities in business ownership."
Some of the questions that you may get answered at this Expo include:
Why choose a franchise rather than starting or buying an independent business?What are the best franchises for you?How do you fund the investment in a franchise?
Register online for FREE participation. If you do not register online, there will be a $10 charge at the door. http://www.carolinates.com/events/registration